Battlefield 3 Multiplayer Tips For Newbies

These are the most common mistakes I see in everyday Battlefield 3 game play.

The biggest mistake is people leaving vehicles empty. It's not very important with things like jeeps and buggies. When people are leaving tanks and LAVs in the main, there's an issue. Vehicles and infantry are meant to work together and advance lines. This isn't Call of Duty or Counter-Strike. The maps are designed for vehicles using them is a good thing. It doesn't matter if your good in a tank. Just use what I've outlined in this guide and you will hold your own. It's an important piece of the puzzle. If no one else steps up, you should.

Being sprint happy is the demise of many players. There are times when you need to slow yourself down and be more tactical. Sprinting around a corner is very dangerous, you need a good reason for it. If you're being pursued by a tank, sprinting around the corner is understandable.

Not watching the flanks is a massive problem in team games like Battlefield 3. Watching the flank is a great job for beginning players. Let the experienced players wipe out enemy squads. Make sure they don't get shot from the sides or behind while doing that. With time and practice you can become the squad that clears out objectives.

Flag hopping is another mistake I see. Two teams running around the map counter capturing flags. After a while a strange stalemate happens, where no one overcomes and they just trade flags back and forth. To stop this all you have to do is defend. Pick one of your flags and hold it down. Be as dirty as possible, get up in windows or hide in corners and pick them off from weird angles as they come in. Once you kill off the push move in on their flag. This will get you some easy kills and stop the merry go round.

Going sniper is another mistake. I know there are people out there who love sniper but it really just isn't an effective class unless you are a precise shooter. The mobile spawn point is good in rush from time to time sure. Other than that the kit doesn't have much to offer. Unless you can be super aggressive and capture flags with that sniper rifle you aren't doing much good. Getting 10 kills and 0 deaths doesn't mean anything if you force your team to capture flags a man down.

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