Battlefield 3 Strategy Guide That Top BF3 Players Use To Stay On Top

Many players wonder if there are any good BF3 strategy guides that they can use in order to boost their kill/death ratios and become true elite BF3 players. If you do a quick search online you will more than likely see a few sites offering Battlefield 3 guides, most of them discuss strategies and secrets which are relatively unknown and offer strategies, tips, hints and secrets for Battlefield 3. However, as you might guess some of these are just a waste of time. It can be difficult to tell which sites are reliable, worth the time and effort to read, and provide quality hints, tips and secrets.

Generally, you'll find that there are a few different types of sites on the internet offering BF3 guides. Some of them even try to charge a price per hint/secret in order for it to be downloaded. That is pretty much a waste of time and money. Some other sites offer you guides that at the time of their release were pretty good, however, the information becomes quickly outdated as everyone figures out the secrets leaving you back at the basics. You never want to lag behind in a multiplayer shooting game.

The third type of site that offers a Battlefield 3 guide however is the one that is constantly being updated, you will always have the latest and greatest secrets, cheats, hints and tips as they become available before others will even know about them. This is the type of site to look for your guide obviously. If you have the latest cheats and secrets, then you will be at the top of the scoreboard after every round no question. These guides will work on any console gaming system such as PS3, or Xbox 360 as well as the PC. The game works pretty much the same on all systems so there are no specific one guide out there for your specific system.

As has been mentioned, be sure you get a Battlefield 3 strategy guide that is recommended by a reliable source, or you will just be wasting time and money, with no gains or rank to show for it. You will not be at the top of the scoreboard, and it shouldn't be a surprise as to why. The reason is simple, get a good guide that is constantly updated and is recommended by the top BF3 players.

I have reviewed most of the guides out there for Battlefield 3, and I consistently stay at the top of the scoreboard by knowing the secret strategies and tips I learned from the best Bf3 guides. Even other good players ask me if I am using some sort of hack. No, I don't have any hacks, I just have access to the best strategy guide out there and now I'm letting you in on my secret. Battlefield 3 Dominator Guide is the top choice for the top BF3 players who are always leaders on their teams.

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Using the BF3 Weapons For Better Results With Your Class

Learning to use your BF3 weapons in the most efficient way is one of the most important aspect to Battlefield 3. Many of these weapons are available right from the start of the game, while you will have to unlock the others. These can potentially be more helpful in gaining an upper hand in battle. In order to do that, though, you will have to learn to master the weapons you already have at your disposal and level up. There is a wide variety of weapons available in the game and the more you play with them the better feel you will have for how each guns shoot. If you want to learn how to adapt to the gun much quicker, the BF3 Dominator guide offers some detailed insight regarding their categories, as well as tips on the specific weapons that can be used in each of the four classes. Additionally, with the help of the guide, you will find out various details about every single one of the BF3 weapons including their range, rate of fire, strengths, weaknesses and the best attachments you can apply to them with the purpose of making them more accurate or powerful.

The first step in learning to use these weapons in each particular class is to learn about the general strategies associated with the class and look up the rifles, machine guns or hand guns that can only be used along with it. The BF3 Dominator guide provides some priceless tips on each class and the strategies they can adopt. While you practice the game, you can take turns getting the feel of each of the BF3 weapons linked to the class you have chosen, and gradually get used to their range and fighting capabilities. In no time at all, you will then be able to increase your aiming accuracy and you will also know exactly what targeting distance you have to reach or maintain for achieving perfect shooting efficiency with every particular gun.

Once you manage to get the feel of each weapon, while practicing with all the classes in the single player campaigns, you will already start to see how well you are able to work with every class in part. At this point you can choose your favorite class and select those BF3 weapons that would suit it perfectly. Of course, it is not only a matter of selecting some of the guns and then expecting everything to go well. Once you have chosen a class, the best course of action is to closely study the guidelines presented by the BF3 Dominator guide and apply them. You may find that some of the strategies involved are considerably more difficult in relation with some of the weapons you choose, and that, over time, you will either have to keep practicing until you reach a better level of accuracy or swap them for some of the more manageable guns you have at your disposal.

The global BF3 weapons come in handy perfectly in this regard. As the BF3 Dominator guide will show you, these are guns that can be used in any class, and they can provide suitable replacements for many of the special weapons that can only be used in a specific class. Over time, there will of course be some more downloadable content with additional weapons available, as the ones that come with the game, even though large in numbers, still only represent the first step in creating a more realistic gaming experience. The good news is that the BF3 Dominator guide is also constantly updated. As soon as a new weapon appears, it will no doubt be described in considerable detail in the guide, so you will never have to worry about not knowing all the BF3 weapons available for the game at any given time.

Learn More Here: Battlefield 3 Dominator Guide

A Battlefield 3 Dominator Guide Review

The reason why there is a need for such an insightful guide is because BF3 is far more complex than regular shooter games. While most other games focus more on individual play and are quite limited in terms of teamwork, Battlefield 3 offers a huge variety of options, with several separate classes that you can play according to your general weapon and strategy preference.

The BF3 Dominator Guide at First Glance
If you browse through a few BF3 Dominator review sites, you will see numerous positive opinions on the general approach of the guide. The specific, intuitive way in which it approaches those who are new to the game offers some very important and easy to understand tips on starting out with BF3 and practicing the game, until they find the pros and cons of each weapon or strategic technique that can be used in order to get an upper hand in the fight for supremacy.

BF3 Dominator creates the impression of a well put together and carefully organized guide that provides practically everything that one may need for getting started with the game. It starts with some basic information on why the game needs such a detailed guide in the first place, and, in the "Battlefield 3 Beginners Guide" section, it shows various helpful tips and tricks that are praised on many BF3 Dominator review sites. These ideas can be used in order to get on the path to mastering the game in the shortest time possible. Further on, the guide begins to present the four main classes that you can choose from, depending on which battle strategy you prefer and the types of weapons you consider to be the most practical and easy to use.

The way in which the BF3 Dominator guide provides valuable information about the pros and cons of each class is quite impressive, as the presentation is totally impartial and it also emphasizes all the different ways in which one may be able to get the most out of each class in particular. There are many BF3 Dominator review articles that point out the professional approach of the guide when it comes to presenting the most crucial information about each of the four classes.

Excellent Guidance for Beginners
The BF3 Dominator provides some exceptional guidelines and tips for beginners. Whether you are just starting out with the game, or you have already tried out some of the single player campaigns, you will still find some remarkably useful ideas that can help you make the most out of every feature of the game. Even though some of the BF3 Dominator review websites may provide a glimpse into the practical insight that the guide offers its readers, you really have to read through the BF3 guide itself in order to understand the basics of how to navigate through the game, use the main features of each class and successfully improve your gaming skills over time.

Although the guide focuses mostly on the multiplayer section of the game, it also provides some excellent resources for those who would like to practice their skills with the single player campaigns. When it comes to explaining the multiplayer parts, any BF3 Dominator review will confirm the fact that the guide is an indispensable resource for all players who want to be completely prepared to face all the challenges involved.

Presenting the Classes
The presentation of the classes that come with Battlefield 3 is perhaps the most important aspect of the BF3 Dominator guide. The four classes are as follows: the Assault, Engineer, Recon and Support class. As some of the BF3 Dominator review sites and articles also state, emphasizing the crucial importance of this fact, the guide provides four distinct and thorough chapters on all classes, first showing the types of players that would be able to work best with every class, the pros and cons, as well as the strategies and weapons that would be best suited to each class in part. Apart from this, you will also find some detailed information about the specific characteristics of every particular class, showing you how you can get more points and level up faster. You will likely find the latter extremely useful and helpful in your quest for becoming one of the best BF3 players.

The Weapon List
Practically every BF3 Dominator review will tell you about the importance of the weapon list that comes with the BF3 Dominator guide. Successfully using the various types of weapons is perhaps the most exciting aspect of virtually any first person shooter game. The game comes with a vast array of hand guns as well as short, mid and long range weapons, each being presented in a detailed fashion in the guide. As you will notice it neatly organized in the BF3 Dominator, some of the weapons are specially assigned to various classes. For example, the Recon class uses some of the best long range rifles that are perfectly suited to the strategies adopted by that particular class. Other weapons are global, and can be used regardless of the class you choose. According to literally every BF3 Dominator review, the professional way in which the weapons are categorized and presented in the guide is quite impressive.

It is safe to say that the Battlefield 3 Dominator is the best guide for the game, offering some of the most interesting and informative tips and insight on the main features, game play options, tactics and strategic complexity of BF3. According to some of the most comprehensive and objective BF3 Dominator review sites on the web, you will most likely never find a more suitable and well organized set of guidelines for this exceptional game than the BF3 Dominator guide.

Battlefield 3 Strategies And Tactics

BF3 has changed the first person shooter world forever, you see, no longer can you run in, guns a blazin' hoping to rack up tons of kills by being aggressive and foolish at the same time. Now, you actually have to work with your team to develop strategies and tactics that effectively overcome the enemy. If you run in all willy-nilly expecting to be a one man rambo type guy, this game is most definitely not for you. You will have to think and plot out effective strategies with your teammates, because if you don't the other team is going to wipe the floor with you, and the rest of your teammates will be furious or at the very least, frustrated with you.

The first step to mastering Battlefield 3 is learning your class and building your character properly. There is no sense in being a medic if you are not going to heal your teammates. One of the recommended classes to be for a beginner is the assault class. The assault class is not as difficult to play as say recon or engineer, and it allows the beginner to get a feel for the type of game play that they enjoy without getting too complex for them. However, when you start to learn the game and the controls you are probably going to want to change your class and build it properly to be as powerful and effective as you can possibly be.

The next step is to master your weapon builds. You need to know your weapon inside and out in this game and if you don't you are going to be a sitting duck for all of the others to capitalize on and boost their kill/death ratios. Unfortunately, there is no easy way to tell you how to build your weapon as it depends on your game play style and class configuration. The best thing you can do to figure all of this out is to pick up a proven BF3 strategy guide. A tactics guide for Battlefield 3 is your best bet if you want to understand the game completely and learn how to specifically build any class or weapons in the game. Most guides are put together by some of the top first person shooter gamers in the world, and they reveal most of their secrets to you, allowing you to become better than 90% of the other players out there. A good strategy guide will show you everything from specific map strategies to overall team leadership and tactics that will allow you an edge over everyone else allowing you and your team to rack up tons of kills and dominate Battlefield 3 like the pros do. Some guides even offer HD video demonstrations of all the tactics showing you exactly what you need to do on every level and map of the game. If you want to start winning you need to check out this guide today.

Using a BF3 Guide to Maximize Your Multiplayer Gaming Potential

In order to make consistent progress with a game such as Battlefield 3, the use of a BF3 guide is an extremely important requirement. The game itself has some remarkably complicated features that would take very long to master without a proper guide. Perhaps the most thorough practical guide that can help you make the most of your multiplayer gaming potential is the BF3 Dominator. The multiplayer community of the game consists of an extremely dynamical and challenging environment, as some players constantly find new ways of getting an upper hand on the their opponents and keeping the competition at its highest possible level. Even if you are only starting out with the game, a good BF3 guide is all you need to assist you in making amazing progress and reaching the top of the leader board in a very short amount of time. In order to achieve this feat however, one cannot simply read through the guide and expect to already have the necessary ability of mastering all the techniques and strategies in a single day. A considerable amount of work and practice is required and sometimes you may feel that you are taking a step back before you can move forward again. Eventually, however, the combined power of experience and knowledge will be your greatest ally on the battlefield, allowing you to quickly become one of the most advanced BF3 players of all. One of the most important things that a good BF3 guide will encourage you to do is practice. Apart from its multiplayer sections, Battlefield 3 also has some excellent single player campaigns where you can practice your strategies and work on your aim with various weapons, against the computer. Even though the single player mode will not be able to properly prepare you for the dynamic action you will later encounter when you fight against experienced players, it can still provide an excellent environment for you to refine your skills and get the feel of the various hand guns and rifles that you will need to master in order to get the best results later on. Apart from assisting you in mastering the various weapons of the game and improving your aim for best efficiency, the BF3 guide is also equally important when it comes to teaching you how to work with the various classes and adapt your strategy to each class in part, depending on your choice and style. Each class has a different approach in battle and even though neither of them can really be considered as the best from an objective point of view, you need to be very careful about which class you choose, depending on your own particular style and attitude. For example the Engineer class focuses more on using machines and explosives in combat while the Recon class is more subtle, relying on sniper rifles and advanced stealth to tip the balance during the battle. In the case of each class, a good BF3 guide such as the BF3 Dominator will offer the best tips in order to teach and encourage you to use the benefits of teamwork to your advantage, as, in Battlefield 3, victory often depends equally on the ability of working together, as it does on the individual skill of each particular team member. Last but not least, as a crucial part of your training, BF3 Dominator will also help you get ready for the multiplayer action. The guide will help you tune up your reflexes and refine your skills faster than any BF3 guide possibly can, by simply following the detailed steps, tips and strategies in the guide that will allow you to master the game perfectly and become the player that everyone will want on their team.

Battlefield 3 Weapons AK-74M Guide

In this Battlefield 3 AK-74M guide, not only will you discover its strengths and weaknesses but also the attachment combinations you can get with this gun to maximize your kills.

Battlefield 3 AK-74M Overview

Magazine: 30 rounds

Rate of Fire: 650 RPM

Faction: Spetsnaz

Fire Modes: Automatic (default) and Semi-Automatic.

This gun is one of the default weapons available only to the Assault Kit and to the Spetsnaz players. It's kinda pretty general weapon having some strengths and weaknesses. While facing in a long-distance battle, a Sniper Rifle would be the best but if while facing a battle in a close-range format, a submachine or a shotgun would be more good.

Of course it all depends if you're a really good player where you can surprise your enemy and change the sides of the battle. Same way you can equip a specific weapon as per a situation and pwn him.

Battlefield 3 AK-74M vs M16A3

If you compare AK-74M with M16A3, it has comparatively slower fire rate and slightly higher bullet damage. Meaning that you can use it in mid-distance battles. And you can use M16A3 in close-distance battles.

BF3 AK-74M Strategy & Attachments Guide

As you are more likely to be up against M16A3s, the Engineer's submachine guns would be damn good in short-distance battles and the Support's light machine guns aren't that great in mid-distance battles and you are bound to be in a situation where AK-74M is really great in mid-distance battle on the map.

What does this mean? You can make better use of this gun by adding on appropriate attachments which will add-on to your mid-ranged strengths.

Now you might want to improve your mid-range attacks by getting a better sight. The early PSO-1 (4 times magnified) scope works very well for this. You can always change to a different scope as you get to a higher level.

Next thing you want to do is improve your long-distance accuracy as this gun is kind of inaccurate in such a situation. Here you can equip the Heavy Barrel. But then, a heavy barrel will increase the vertical climb and you need to reduce your horizontal climb so that you can worry less about readjusting your gun. Here, a Foregrip would be perfect to balance this.

The last step left is to turn your gun into a single-shot mode. You can do this by pushing down the button on the directional pad on your controller. When you fire at your enemies, you can fire at the rate of 4 bullets per second.

Under this situation, you get the gun back in the place from where you shot it. In simple words, when you shoot, there is a vertical climb due to the Heavy Barrel, but if you wait for a second, it'll go right back into the original position. If you don't use the automatic mode to pull the trigger, it becomes really accurate, from long distances as well.

You will soon learn that 1-3 shots are enough to hunt down your enemy depending on how close your are and you can blast off 3 shots in a second thus making it accurate enough. Although, just make sure that you are able to mark your enemy. Because if they are able to escape, at least your friends nearby the enemy can kill them.

You will be basically damn strong at mid-ranged battles than any other classes in Battlefield 3. You will be definitely weak against Snipers so stay away from shooting in long-distance format. If you can sneak up on the enemy and get the jump, short-distance is perfect. Don't get too excited and end up going head-to-head with this gun as you're really weak against a lot of classes with respect to this.

Battlefield 3 AK-74M Guide Conclusion

Overall you have learned that AK-74M is really good in mid to long-ranged battles. You can get the maximum benefit by reducing its kickback effect. You can also overcome the weaknesses of this weapon as strengths rule over them. (head-on close-distance battles and very long-distance sniping).

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If want more in depths reviews, secrets, and strategies to how to shoot BF3 guns then check out the Battlefield Dominator Guide. It will help you get your shooting abilities up very quick and improve kill to death ratio.

Battlefield 3 Weapons List

In this part of Battlefield 3 guide, we'll reveal all the weapons used in this game and also the stats associated with the concerned weapons. And apart from that, we'll also teach you how to use a weapon at the best of its advantage!

Battlefield 3 Weapons List
There are various categories of the weapons such as Assault Weapons Recon Weapons, Support Weapons Pistols Global, Weapons Engineer Weapons. There are kit-specific weapons which you can use only with that concerned class and they are unlocked by leveling up that class.Then there are Global Weapons. Once you unlock them (usually through normal level ups), they can be used with any kit. Pistols are also unlocked with gradual level ups. They are used as a secondary weapon combined with your primary gun.

Battlefield 3 Weapons List - Assault Kit In the alphabetical order, you'll find a list of weapons used for the Assault class. The listed Assault Rifles overall work very well but to get the maximum benefit, you must use them at short to mid-range combat.


BattleField 3 Weapons List - Engineer Class Engineers are given the shortest-ranged weapons. They are the only ones who have submachine-guns as their primary weapons. Engineers are busy defending themselves at short-range battles because enemies try to rush in to destroy the mechanical things engineers maybe controlling or repairing. Also note that Engineers can use Carbines as well. Carbines are just like the Assault Rifles in reality but in BF3, you get different achievements and unlocks. (For example: a Carbine Ribbon and not an Assault Ribbon). The guns available to an Engineer are listed below in alphabetical order:


Battlefield 3 Weapons List - Recon Kit Weapons List As you know, the Recon Class is the Sniping Class of BF3. Meaning that it has access to all the Sniper Rifles in the game. Below are the Rifles available to this class:


BF3 Weapons List - Support Kit Here, you find light machine guns for the Support class. Don't go by the name though! This so-called light machine gun isn't really light. It is a very large weapon and the biggest personal weapon in the game! A machine gun is usually an Assault Rifle or Submachine Gun as used popularly. And the term "machine gun" is a large-mounted gun. It is by far very large for anyone to carry. Light machine guns are not that accurate and have very large clips. These guns blow away a lot of bullets and spray the enemy from a distance. During this time, your team can move up while they're pinned down. Below is a list of the weapons used by this class.

PKP Pecheneg

Battlefield 3 Weapons List - Global Weapons These are the weapons which can be used along with any kit. They are not restricted to any specific class. However, in order to get access to them, you have to level up. It includes guns and shotguns from all the classes. Below is a list of the weapons used in the Global Category.


Battlefield 3 Weapons List - Pistols / Hand Guns Pistols are available in mass varieties in Battlefield 3. You get access to them when you level up. Any class can get access to Pistols. If you didn't know, you usually unlock the same gun after every level up, but with different varieties. For example: A silenced gun involves a suppressor in the original model. But you will find a laser sight in the tactical model. Here's the list for the different types of Pistols available in Battlefield 3 in alphabetical order:

.44 Magnum
.44 M-Scoped 93R
G17C Silenced
G18 Silenced
M9 Silenced
 M9 Tactical
Silenced MP443

Tactical Battlefield 3 Weapons List Conclusion Overall, you will get access to so many different type of weapons in Battlefield 3. If you spend even a few hours everyday, it'll take you a few weeks to master them completely. We suggest you to stick to the gun you feel is right for you till the end. You can try all the weapons available if you want but make sure that after you have tested out all the weapons, stick with the one you love the most. This way you will become more strong once you master one weapon. If want to master your weapons quicker we recommend getting the Battlefield 3 Dominator Guide below.

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Battlefield 3 Weapons M16A3 Guide

In this Battlefield 3 M16A3 Guide, not only we will be discussing about the overview of this Assault Kit starting weapon but we will also compare it with AK-47M rifle and what all attachments you can use along with M16A3 to maximize the efficiency.

Battlefield 3 M16A3 Overview

Magazine: 30 rounds

Rate of Fire: 800 RPM

Faction: USMC

Fire Modes: Automatic (default) and Semi-Automatic. Note: For some reason in the beta test, the tooltip shows that it can be set to burst mode, but the game does not actually let you switch to it. Not sure if the bug is in the tooltip or the bug being not able to switch to burst.

If you compare this weapon with the entire starting lot, this classic M16A3 is the most weak weapon you will ever find. It is weaker in single-shot fights as compared to the AK-74M in long-ranged battles (because M16A3 has a quicker firing rate with less effective shots) and is probably even worse at firing multiple bullets at once than the M416, which has far less recoil.

What we would recommend you is to use M16A3 only at the beginning until you get weapons as you level up and grow stronger.

Battlefield 3 M16A3 vs AK74-M

As we mentioned earlier, the M16A3 surely fires rapidly than the Ak-74M, but its less effective on a bullet-by-bullet comparison. In short-ranged battles, this makes M16A3 stronger than the other counterpart as it makes the gun more effective at firing from the hip.

AK-47M scores more than M16A3 only when you turn off automatic firing, but not much.

BF3 M16A3 Strategy & Attachments Guide

Technically speaking, M16A3 is one of the worst weapon to be used in Battlefield 3. No doubt M416 is far better at firing multiple bullets at once. And then, the kickback is also far much less with that weapon. You can easily shoot 5 times in a row (or maybe more), that too accurately from a fair range. M16A3 has much more kickback effect.

You can get into the semi-automatic mode with M16A3 by pressing down on the directional pad. When firing one bullet at a time, you are bound to reduce the kickback effect greatly. If you want to increase our accuracy, put on a heavy barrel. But don't forget that you won't be able to hunt down your enemies from a long range in 1-2 shots easily. In this case, AK-74M is slightly better for the task. But then, honestly speaking, both the guns are bad as their accuracy level is damn low from a very far distance.

For long-range battles, M16A3 blasts off enough bullets with least kickback effect where you can take down players with enough comfort. However we would suggest you to use a submachine or a shotgun when involved in a short-range battle.

In order to use this gun like a pro, you have to be a pro in deciding when it would be the best time to shoot an enemy from a distance, sneak up on them, or simply mark them and move on to your next enemy. One strange thing about this weapon is that it is not newbie friendly and still added in the starter edition. We feel that the M416 weapon is a much better option as a starter weapon because it is much easier to master one part of the game at once (close range, mid range and long-range battles etc) than trying to take on everything together.

Battlefield 3 M16A3 Guide Conclusion

M16A3 is not an easy weapon to use as a starter. It just fairs well at all the ranges of the game but is strong at none. You will always run into trouble at any time. It is strong against Recon but weak against Engineers at close-combat. It is strong against Engineers and Weak against snipers at long-range battles.

You have to figure out your enemy's class and engage them in the most advantageous way if you really want to win the battles when using M16A3.

For more tips, tricks and strategies on how to shoot your BF3 weapons with accuracy and the right attachments to use, check out the Battlefield 3 Dominator Guide. It will speed up your ability to get going on being an effective shooter, thus helping your team and boosting your rank.

Battlefield 3 Multiplayer Tips For Newbies

These are the most common mistakes I see in everyday Battlefield 3 game play.

The biggest mistake is people leaving vehicles empty. It's not very important with things like jeeps and buggies. When people are leaving tanks and LAVs in the main, there's an issue. Vehicles and infantry are meant to work together and advance lines. This isn't Call of Duty or Counter-Strike. The maps are designed for vehicles using them is a good thing. It doesn't matter if your good in a tank. Just use what I've outlined in this guide and you will hold your own. It's an important piece of the puzzle. If no one else steps up, you should.

Being sprint happy is the demise of many players. There are times when you need to slow yourself down and be more tactical. Sprinting around a corner is very dangerous, you need a good reason for it. If you're being pursued by a tank, sprinting around the corner is understandable.

Not watching the flanks is a massive problem in team games like Battlefield 3. Watching the flank is a great job for beginning players. Let the experienced players wipe out enemy squads. Make sure they don't get shot from the sides or behind while doing that. With time and practice you can become the squad that clears out objectives.

Flag hopping is another mistake I see. Two teams running around the map counter capturing flags. After a while a strange stalemate happens, where no one overcomes and they just trade flags back and forth. To stop this all you have to do is defend. Pick one of your flags and hold it down. Be as dirty as possible, get up in windows or hide in corners and pick them off from weird angles as they come in. Once you kill off the push move in on their flag. This will get you some easy kills and stop the merry go round.

Going sniper is another mistake. I know there are people out there who love sniper but it really just isn't an effective class unless you are a precise shooter. The mobile spawn point is good in rush from time to time sure. Other than that the kit doesn't have much to offer. Unless you can be super aggressive and capture flags with that sniper rifle you aren't doing much good. Getting 10 kills and 0 deaths doesn't mean anything if you force your team to capture flags a man down.

For Pro Strategies... Go Here

Battlefield 3 Jet Tutorial

Although heat missiles can do damage, your gun is your most valuable asset when flying your Battlefield 3 jet. You should practice with your gun, as it is a valuable tool and it is not that hard to use, if you know how. It takes some practice and adjustments to get used to at first but with time it will become like second nature.

You should aim to hit the enemy target when they are flying sideways making a turn, it will expose more area of their plane and make it easier for you to hit. Also try to aim for the cockpit, this is a way to end the gun fight fast.

Do swooping aerial attacks, as opposed to wait and bait. You want to be able to be the element of surprise and come from nowhere firing at your target. The best way to do this is to fly high out of enemy line of view. Whenever the enemy appears then you can swoop down on the plane shooting at it with your gun. Be sure to swoop down and come back up shooting and don't get behind the plane. This is why you should get good with your gun because accuracy comes into play with this.

You shouldn't change the air radar after it is unlocked.This will help you stay behind your enemy and if he is behind you then you will be able to evade him. With this you will have the direction of movements of all vehicles on the ground and choppers that are in range. However watch out when the enemy has air radar and he gets behind you.

If he should happen to get behind you then start to turn slightly to the left, make him think you are moving away. Then immediately fly downwards or upwards. If you don't have enough room, make a sharp turn strait up, although it works best downward.

Then make a 180 degree turn to your right. Now pull up or either down and then fly to your left. When you do this you will lose your enemy. The more you practice this, the better you will get and then you can evade just about any jet that pulls up behind you.

As it's your time to become a true master of the air ways and learn tips reserved only for the pros. Even the newest of Bf3 players can get an edge when you know the secrets and the right tips. The Bf3 Dominator is the guide that will take you to another level of playing Bf3. Don't believe me, check it out for yourself below. Thank me later.

Battlefield 3 Tips For Newbies

Here are a few tips for new players just getting started.

A good tip is don't try to play Battlefield 3 like COD. If guys on your team are set up, don't try to rush in to the blind spots. Look for destructible walls and entrances that can lead to alternative routes instead of walking towards enemy fire.

Using back, select or the q button, depending on what platform you are playing on will allow you to see enemy players from long distances or when they blend in with the background. There will be a triangle that hovers directly over their head, now you can aim and shoot at them better. This will help with your overall total of kill shots.

Make sure to drop a health pack at your feet, so when you engage in a gun fight and take damage from shots, the health pack can bring your health levels up. This is effective when hunkering down and shooting at the oncoming enemy.

Take a minute out of your play to check inventory in a safe place, you earned it, so make sure you utilize it before you move on to the next area of game play.

Whenever you revive someone, make sure you know what killed them, so it does not end up killing you too.

Get used to the gun because it will sway a little while shooting and make aiming at targets harder. The guns have a lot of recoil, so you should probably turn off vibration on your controller because it is not needed. If however you must have vibration on, try to hold the controller in way that allows for the gun to shoot as accurate as possible.

If you want to know in-depth strategies that the pros use, then checkout out this game guide packed with everything you need to succeed and climb up your team's ladder quicker than ever!

Click Here ====> Best BF3 Guide

How To Win At Battlefield 3 – Up Your Game Fast…

In this blog post I want to give you a few tips that you can use to up your game on Battlefield 3 and make sure that you are dominating the game.

The thing is that the game changes a lot of the aspects that are present in other FPS and that is why you need to make sure that you know how to work together with your team. There are 4 classes in Battlefield 3 and depending on which class you pick, it will greatly change your experience of the game.

You have to be able to play the class you have selected this is a vital role and you must play it as if you were in the midst of real war. This goes for all of the other classes as well. Whichever class you decide to be will change your game experience to a larger degree than most other first person shooter games on the market.

We recommend that if you are new that you stick with the Assault class, as this is a good all-around class but you should also try your hand with the slightly more difficult classes like Recon and Engineer. This will help you get a better feel for the roles that your team will play when you are on your mission together. If everything is somewhat difficult at first there are answers.

The good thing is that a guide has been released that gives you a complete strategy to the game as well as a full class guide and how to customize your weapons. You get a video walkthrough for the single player campaign and the multiplayer missions as well.

Probably the best thing about the guide is the fact that it has HD videos giving you the tactics and strategies that you need to dominate multiplayer in the game as well!

If you want to up your game and you feel that you are getting left behind check out the full Battlefield 3 guide which is called BF3 Dominator and discover how you can go pro fast:

Click Here ====> Best BF3 Guide

The Best Battlefield 3 Guide Is Here! BF3 Dominator

If you are looking for a good guide to Battlefield 3 then you might want to check out BF3 Dominator! This guide claims to take you from a noob to a pro fast and it gives you the strategies that you will need to start winning.

The game is aimed at teamwork and that means that you have to know your classes well and make sure you stay up to date along with the maps and the strategies being used so you don't get left out.
Another thing that you will need to know how to do if you need to be the best at the FPS game is make sure you know how to make use of and customise your weapons.

You can do this by obviously searching around the web for information however we suggest if you need to start dominating the game and make sure you don't get left behind that you check out BF3 Dominator.

You will have a complete guide to this online game and it even features HD videos and written guides so you will actually see the tactics on the maps used and start working the right path up the leaderboards.

If you feel that you're getting owned online and shouted at all of the time for messing up your team then check out the full BF3 Dominator guide in the link below and start out dominating:

Click Here ===> Best BF3 Guide